March 2024
Barcelona, Spain

A film by Vincent Moon 

a collection of 10 music films made in Barcelona
Watch here

Improvisació sobre un cant tradicional pirinenc, "Saba" i un fragment d'un poema de Josep Sebastià Pons (Illa/Rosselló. Catalunya del Nord). /// Improvisation on a traditional Pyrenean song, "Saba" and a fragment of a poem by Josep Sebastià Pons (Illa/Rosselló. Northern Catalonia).

(ES) Arnau Obiols conoce la lengua de los pájaros. El canto de la atmósfera allí arriba, en la montaña. Música de las cosas entre la nostalgia de los pastores y la inquietud de los animales, y la sombra acústica de los árboles y las piedras y el viento. Las nubes quedan tan cerca. Pero, ¿qué montaña es? ¿una montaña que tararea el jazz de la tierra? Es una montaña que descansa sobre el abismo y lo inconmensurable. Alguien ha bajado de esa montaña, es Arnau Obiols y nos llama. Tradición de lo que nunca ha sido y siempre aquí, como el Reino siempre fue. "Sapa, sapa verolet,/ coll de cabra, ganivet;/Tant estesses tu a sapar, /com la cabra minja pa"

(EN) Arnau Obiols knows the language of the birds. The song of the atmosphere up there, in the mountains. Music of things between the nostalgia of the shepherds and the restlessness of the animals, and the acoustic shadow of the trees, the stones and the wind. The clouds are so close. But what kind of mountain is it, a mountain that hums the jazz of the earth? It is a mountain that rests on the abyss and the immeasurable. Someone has come down from that mountain, it is Arnau Obiols, and he is calling us. The tradition of what has never been and has always been here, as the Kingdom has always been. "Sapa, sapa verolet,/ coll de cabra, ganivet;/ tant estesses tu a sapar,/ com la cabra minja pa".

by Vicente Barbarroja

OVNI ( invited Vincent Moon pour "El Antisol Negro", Barcelona, mars 2024. Non Indentified Video Observatory - Desorg dot Org is a research project structured thematically that aims to encourage and enable a critique of contemporary culture and society, using strategies based on the expansive and heterodox use of video as a medium, the still image and the web context. 

El Antisol Negro is ideated and curated by Vicente Barbarroja


co-produced by Petites Planètes with the precious help of @murailles_music (edits made with the help of Daniel Oxenhandler)

i un agraïment especial a tots els amics locals