March 2024
Barcelona, Spain
A film by Vincent Moon
part of El Antisol Negro
(ES) La audacia de lo imposible – el canto en el borde extremo del mundo – donde todos somos diáspora africana. «Ayom es una entidad supernatural que vive dentro de los tambores». Por mucho que nos movemos en el viaje estamos siempre en el mismo lugar, nuestro ser-el-aquí sigue aquí. Es la profundidad del mundo en nuestro interior lo que varía, el lugar de la resonancia acústica y visionaria – que acoge desde la inteligencia del corazón – el despliegue de lo que es.
(EN) The courage of the impossible – singing at the very edge of the world – where we are all African diaspora. «Ayom is a supernatural being that lives in the drums». No matter how much we move on the journey, we are always in the same place, our being-the-here is still here. It is the depth of the world within us that changes, the place of acoustic and visionary resonance – that welcomes the unfolding of what is – from the intelligence of the heart.
by Vicente Barbarroja
Music by Sílvia Pérez Cruz
Musicians: Bori Albero, Carlos Montfort, Marta Roma and the Cor del Solstici
Production: Elements Encuentros
Live Sound Engineer: Gerard Olivera
Performed Live at Casa Rius, Barcelona 2024
Mastering: Ozone 11 by iZotope/Native Instruments + Daniel Oxenhandler
OVNI (desorg.org) invited Vincent Moon pour "El Antisol Negro", Barcelona, mars 2024. Non Indentified Video Observatory - Desorg dot Org is a research project structured thematically that aims to encourage and enable a critique of contemporary culture and society, using strategies based on the expansive and heterodox use of video as a medium, the still image and the web context.
El Antisol Negro is ideated and curated by Vicente Barbarroja https://desorg.org/acts/lantisol-negre/
co-produced by Petites Planètes with the precious help of @murailles_music (edits made with the help of Daniel Oxenhandler)
i un agraïment especial a tots els amics locals