October 2021
Vaugines, Luberon

Created by Robin Decourcy / Avaleur

BANDITS is a marathon of non-verbal and total improvisation which brings together, over several days, a team of performers and dancers in a defined territory : district, park, socio-professional space, village, landscape ... The athletic and artistict exploit begins in celebration and in music, under a banner. The public can follow and interact with the gamers in costume and bib, as well as attend their daily meeting on a time of instant composition. These hundreds of hours culminate in a final show which is their arrival and return among us. The scene is transformed every day by another team of scenographic, visual and sound artists who are inspired by their filmed and recorded adventures, immediately remixed each evening. As much as the poetic and sensitive portrait of a social space, of its inhabitants, human and non-human, the BANDITS project is the proposal to re-breathe or to reveal the carnival of reality that surrounds us.

JOUR 1 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL-4LCIKuQw
JOUR 2 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ6zwzQStgc
JOUR 3 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYjXtshO_Yw
JOUR 4 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7prlNQX59Q
JOUR 5 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=zinL8fEBc84
JOUR 6 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE1ENELIRr4
JOUR 7 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD21QfMdt-w

TEASER - www.vimeo.com/484466563
