October 2024
Albert Hall, Manchester, UK
A Take Away Show with Erol Josué
In collaboration with #WOMEX24 @WOMEXpiranha
[FR] On l’avait vu la veille, tâchant d’élever les énergies lors d’un concert impressionnant qui embaumait de subtiles parfums l’un des grands auditoriums où se déroulait le WOMEX 24. Un peu plus en contrebas cependant, se trouvait un tout autre endroit, propice à mieux accueillir la fougue spirituelle de l’Haïtien Erol Josué: l’Albert Hall, ancienne église devenue temple du rock’n’roll des autrefois juvéniles Beatles ou Rolling Stones, et depuis lors, des plus folles envolées musicales de Manchester. En cette après-midi d’automne, au travers des vitraux et sur ses balcons aux parquets qui grincent, toutes ces mémoires rencontraient les esprits vaudou qu’il ne cesse d’invoquer. Ils étaient bel et bien au rendez-vous.
[ENG] We had seen him the day before, trying to raise energies during an impressive concert that scented with subtle perfumes one of the convention hall-type venues hosting WOMEX 24. A little further down the road, however, was a completely different venue, more suited to the spiritual ardor of Haitian Erol Josué: the Albert Hall, a former church that became the rock'n'roll temple of the once youthful Beatles or Rolling Stones, and since then, of Manchester's wildest musical flights. On this autumn afternoon, through its stained-glass windows and creaky parquet balconies, all these memories met the voodoo spirits he always invoke, who were well and truly at the rendezvous.
Images & Sounds by Vincent Moon
Produced by WOMEX & Petites Planètes
Coordination and Production lead by Julie Henoch, Luca Jacob
Communication by Simon Dumottier, Gideon Elfgen, Gaurav Narula, Pedro Lima
Text by Julie Henoch
Special thanks to Emmanuelle Honorin
PP (CC) BY-NC-SA 2024 - Blogothèque - Womex