March 2024
Barcelona, Spain

A film by Vincent Moon 

a collection of 10 music films made in Barcelona
Watch here

(ES) Marc Vilajuana, una voz recorre la extraña suspensión del tiempo que agujerea el silencio. Saltando desde la vieja tradición medieval, gregoriana, al abismo vagabundo de la resonancia de las cuerdas que trenzan la experiencia. Errancia a través de la sencillez que invita a la participación, esencial a todo trance. Cada voz canta, cada lugar canta, cada roca tiene en su virtualidad un alma no-separada que espera ser llamada en su canto. Todos hemos sido esperados sobre la tierra.

(EN) Marc Vilajuana, a voice travels through the strange suspension of time that pierces the silence. Leaping from the ancient medieval Gregorian tradition to the vagabond abyss of the resonance of the strings that weave the experience. Wandering through the simplicity that invites participation, essential to any ecstatic trance. Every voice sings, every place sings, every rock has in its virtuality a non-separated soul waiting to be called in its song. We are all awaited on earth. 

by Vicente Barbarroja

OVNI ( invited Vincent Moon pour "El Antisol Negro", Barcelona, mars 2024. Non Indentified Video Observatory - Desorg dot Org is a research project structured thematically that aims to encourage and enable a critique of contemporary culture and society, using strategies based on the expansive and heterodox use of video as a medium, the still image and the web context. 

El Antisol Negro is ideated and curated by Vicente Barbarroja


co-produced by Petites Planètes with the precious help of @murailles_music (edits made with the help of Daniel Oxenhandler)

i un agraïment especial a tots els amics locals